Agile Software Development: Team Structure

Hiba Rajput
3 min readSep 30, 2021


Agile software development refers to methods that emphasize incremental delivery, team communication, continuity planning, and continuous improvement, rather than trying to release everything at once in the end. The agile software development process stresses keeping the process lean. It develops minimum viable products with multiple iterations to complete them. The project gets feedback, and the team implements it in further iterations. It results in a much more dynamic process in which everyone works toward a common goal.

Agile Process

12 Principles of The Agile Movement

Twelve principles of agile software development serve as guiding principles for the approaches that make up The Agile Movement. They describe a work environment that welcomes change, and the client is the center of attention. We have enlisted these twelve principles:

  1. Customer satisfaction with timely and consistent software delivery.
  2. It should accommodate changes in requirements throughout the development process.
  3. Delivery of operational software on a constant schedule
  4. Business stakeholders and developers should collaborate throughout the process.
  5. Encourage, trust, and motivate everyone involved.
  6. Allow for face-to-face meetings.
  7. The primary indicator of progress is functional software.
  8. Agile procedures to ensure a continuous rate of development
  9. A focus on technical precision and design improves agility.
  10. Simplicity
  11. Self-organizing teams foster excellent architectures, specifications, and designs.
  12. Reflections on how to become more effective regularly.
12 Agile Principles

Agile Team Structure

The backbone of the agile development process is scrum, which builds a team. So, the team that works on the software development process is the agile team or Scrum team. It has different roles that seem the same as in other domains but have more detailed responsibilities. It establishes the foundation for regular meetings, artifacts, and who handles what. These roles are:

Role#1: The Development Team:

Whenever we find the Developer term, we automatically assume software developer, but is it not with the Agile team?

In agile development, the developer team has different roles; that include software engineers, but they also have UX designers, testers, and collaborators. The development team must be transparent and have problem-solving and decision-making skills. The key responsibilities of the development team are:

  1. The group plans on working on the project.
  2. On-time submission of every sprint.
  3. Communication and work delivery should be in standups.

Role#2: The Product Owner:

The product owner builds the development team and ensures efficiency and responsiveness. He should have an eye on both the stakeholders and the team. The responsibilities of the product owner are:

  1. He should develop and update the backlog timely.
  2. The product owners must look for both planning and release cycles.
  3. He looks for effective communication and on-value product delivery.

Role#3: The Scrum Master:

The scrum master handles the collation and the proper processing of the scrum. They facilitate product owners to define and deliver value to the development team and improve the scrum team. The scrum master also serves the organization, assisting them in the understanding scrum and creating a scrum-friendly environment. The primary responsibilities of the scrum master are:

  1. Ensure Transparency.
  2. Self-organization of the team and the processes.
  3. He should define the values for the procedure.


The agile software development process is now on top of the development frameworks. The agile framework is flexible and ensures the delivery of quality products. We cannot label it an easy but efficient framework; it allows multiple development iterations. The agile team comprises the development team, the product owner, and the scrum role. Every role has its responsibility that aids in the responsive, agile software development process.



Hiba Rajput

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