4 Examples of successful business process automation in different industries.

Hiba Rajput
3 min readJun 23, 2023


Top Performing Industries using BPA

Even with digital technology and innovation, many businesses hire individuals who spend most of their time performing routine tasks. Processes that should take a few days occasionally take weeks. Many small, medium, and big companies still handle their files and data manually.

Business process automation simplifies and boosts efficiency in all organizational activities and operations. Using business process automation, businesses can optimize efficiency and simplify company operations. This article will explain the Top Successful Companies that use Business Process Automation to reach the heights of success. Before discussing these success stories, let’s first discuss what BPA (Business Process Automation) is.

What is BPA (Business Process Automation)?

Henry Ford was the one who began setting up the first business process automation in 1913. He created the first automated assembly line to mass-produce his Model T vehicles. Since then, this technique has continuously improved, and this system is still in place today, leading to more innovative and high-level business launches.

Business process automation is developing digital technology that efficiently replaces manual calculations and repetitive workflows with task managers controlled by software.

It uses hyper-automation techniques to simplify and automate workflow operations. Automation allows workers to focus on important tasks rather than boring, repetitive, and sometimes distracting tasks.

4 Examples of top successful business process automation in different industries.

1- Healthcare Sector

The Covid-19 epidemic has significantly contributed to digitizing the sectors of the economy. The healthcare sector is one of them. Business process automation has automated the healthcare sector by advancing billing, appointment scheduling, and even medicines.

Healthcare professionals and doctors may instantly extract exact medical coding information from patient records and medical documents using automated Natural Language Processing (NLP) processes.

Patients may now easily arrange their appointments much faster with the help of AI-powered chatbots. Additionally, these AI chatbots may address your issues without leaving your place. You can get regular prescriptions and care notes on your mobile phone, minimizing the need to visit the hospital or clinic only to have your issues addressed.

2- Marketing Sector

With the help of automation and digitalization, the marketing industry is reaching new heights of success every day. BPA in the marketing field includes email marketing, SMM (Social Media Marketing), and contact creation for sales using software-based techniques.

You can enhance your email advertisements and efficiently manage your user base using user-friendly automated initiatives like MailChimp or Campaign Monitor. Suppose you’re considering social media for your business thoughtfully. In that case, you can employ SMM (Social Media Marketing) to promote your brand using automated marketing tools on various social media platforms, which can significantly increase your sales.

3- Telecommunication Sector

The telecommunications industry has recently suffered from issues about handling and organizing massive amounts of data and satisfying their demands for unbroken connectivity. There was nothing on the table that might assist in giving the telecommunications industry a boost.

BPA’s implementation in the telecommunications industry marked a turning point at this time. With BPA, telecom companies may automate the process of formatting customer data, which takes less time overall and is simpler for staff to maintain and analyze. However, with the development of automation technologies, telecommunications companies may now smile with satisfaction.

4- HR & Recruitment Sector

Automation could benefit candidate recruitment, evaluation, and scheduling during the hiring process. Because of the reduced burden and increased productivity and efficiency, the whole HR department will benefit.

Recruitment managers may quickly give a selection of the most suitable applicants by using HR automation systems like BambooHR or Zenefits.

Whether a new hire wants to stay with the organization is heavily influenced by how well they are onboarded. Automated software for employee onboarding makes it possible to overcome these obstacles and speed up the onboarding process.


Business process automation quickly develops into a crucial tool for helping businesses and organizations run operations and expand. Automated processes are perfect for adoption by organizations seeking to boost their market share and bottom line. These advantages include greater accountability, cheaper costs, higher staff effectiveness, and improved customer satisfaction.



Hiba Rajput

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